Success Stories: Rodney Hairston
Author: InvolvedDad September 13, 2020

There is no way I can quit now. My children need me now more than ever before. I will do it for my dad and children.
When my dad died, I immediately knew how my children would feel if I abandoned them. Although my dad didn't abandon me, it sure felt like it. He lost a long tough battle to cancer, which knocked me off of my feet. Just because I am an adult with hair on my chest and chin, responsibilities, and a few children doesn't mean I'm invincible. Yes, little boys and little girls need their daddy's and so does men. Many times we leave men to themselves to figure it out, not knowing that they are just as lost and confused. I knew in order to stay said and provide the level of care to my children and maintain my normalcy, I reached out to InvolvedDad family and my fellow IMPACT brothers for support. InvolvedDad was right beside me as I went through one of the toughest times of my life. They provided emotional support, direction, and resources at a time in my life where I needed it most. I love ID to my core, I am extremely grateful for them. I can continue to grow personally and support my children the way they need to be supported because of ID and the ID family.