Man2Man University is an ongoing peer to peer support group/program that meets 40 weeks out the year, (4) 10 weeks sessions at a time. This group meets to discuss topics from finances, childhood, relationships, fatherhood, economic empowerment, hobbies and parenting. This focused group discussion builds solidarity throughout the group allowing men to be open and vulnerable about their fears, concerns, worries and problems without judgement or backlash.We have developed simple approaches to engage men while promoting active fatherhood.
Man2Man University was designed to help fathers and indirectly help health care professionals that need support in assisting and serving their highly diverse patient population. Many agencies do not have a fatherhood specialist, therefore InvolvedDad serves as their community partner to provide specialized services for their dads.
Man2Man saved my life. I was at a point in my life where all hope was gone. I was jobless and going through legal issues. InvolvedDad gave me hope through Man2Man and their community partners. Programs like this need to be everywhere.
Man2Man Univ. Participant

It is a program established for non-household fathers with Child Support cases with Genesee County FOC and their children that reside in Genesee County . IMPACT is designed to combat the appalling plague of the effects of fatherlessness on children in Flint. Historically, children who face fatherlessness have an increased disadvantage in all areas of childhood.
In the IMPACT program,
Fathers attend seven sessions without their child(ren) and five with their child(ren) accompanying them.
Facilitators/child educator teach well-designed parenting techniques and successful life skills, as well as facilitate discussion topics.
​Facilitators provide a safe place for open dialogue and demonstrate the skills necessary to connect with the child(ren).
Fathers are assisted with employment preparation and leads, child support rears, legal matters surrounding child support, custody and parenting time orders.​

As one who is just starting the divorce process, being in a class with men who were farther along was incredibly helpful on several levels. It helped me understand some of the ways in which divorce might affect my kids, ways to fortify my relationship with them during the process and the importance of working with my spouse to minimize any negative impact on our children. The class and the leaders were excellent.
Parenting Classes
Fatherhood Education
Are you concerned about the well-being of your children in the other home, and have a difficult time communicating with their other parent about your concerns?
Do you feel lingering sadness, hurt, and anger about your relationship ending?
Do you ever wonder what your children are feeling, shuttling between two homes?
Would you like to create a more peaceful co-parenting or parallel parenting relationship?
These questions and many more bounce inside the heads and hearts of relationships gone wrong for separated parents. You endure your own hurt feelings, broken hearts, and sense of loss.
Some say that a parent can only be as happy as their unhappiest child. So what do you think your children are carrying between parents and homes? With InvolvedDad's parenting class, we will coach you through the process and give you the support you need to develop a strong parallel or co-parenting plan.

Domestic violence can happen to anyone of any race, age, sexual orientation, religion, gender, socioeconomic backgrounds and education levels. It can happen to individuals who are living together, married, or who are dating.
It’s not always easy to tell at the beginning of a relationship if it will become abusive. In fact, many abusive partners may seem absolutely perfect in the early stages of a relationship. Possessive and controlling behaviors don’t always appear overnight, but rather emerge and intensify as the relationship grows.
From Disruption To Connection
Domestic violence doesn’t look the same in every relationship because every relationship is different. But one thing most abusive relationships have in common is that the abusive partner does many different kinds of things to have more power and control over their partners.
InvolvedDad became an organization that could facilitate and provide services to men who batter women and children using the evidence based program from "Domestic Abuse Intervention Program, The Duluth Model". As an agency, ID is able to fill the gap for limited services for men. Contact us today for more information.