Success Stories: Greg Jones
Author: InvolvedDad October 14, 2020

Despite the challenges I face as a man in this current climate, it's still my responsibility to lead as a father.
Growing up in the city of Flint can be a challenge. Violence, conflict, blight, distress, and water crisis to say the least can be too much for any person. But as a black man, and a father raising two black boys in this current racial climate can be quite overwhelming. Although, it can be tough and uncertain. One thing I do know, is that it's my responsibility to protect, lead, and assure my sons that things will eventually be alright. Until that day comes, I will continue to empower my sons with overwhelming words of affirmation and love. If I don't take the role and lead to do so, it may be imperative that my sons would become a statistic in my city and that to me is not an option. I've connected with InvolvedDad and other organizations to assist me in my pursuit of success. Modeling what a father is and isn't in the face of turmoil, difficulty, and uncertainty. I took control of my life to make sure my sons know that their dad knew how to thrive and not only survive.